

Markdown is a plaintext formatting syntax, curated by John Gruber.

It is commonly used for README files, and other plaintext writing which can be transformed into structurally valid HTML syntax. It has been adopted by several message-boards and websites to allow basic customisations (such as bold, italics and code stylings on text).

Inline styling:

*italic* _also italic_


# Heading 1
## Heading 2
### Heading 3
#### Heading 4
##### Heading 5
###### Heading 6


A paragraph is one or more consecutive lines of text, separted by one or more blank lines.
Same paragraph.

This is a separate paragraph.

Horizontal rules:

* * *


> This is a blockquote.

> This is a blockquote with attribution/citation.
> -- <cite>Citation</cite>


Tables are not part of the default markdown spec, but GFM and others support it.

|   Name | Age  |
|    Bob | 27   |
|  Alice | 23   |

Code Blocks:

def fn():
    print("Hello world.")

    Code-blocks can also be intended with 4-spaces.

HTML support:

<!-- HTML is supported directly within markdown. -->


![Alt text](/path/to/img.jpg "Title text")


[Example link]( "Title text")
[Example reference link][1]

[1]: "Title text"

Ordered lists:

1. First item
2. Second item
3. Third item
2. Markdown list numbers...
2. ... don't have to match!

Unordered lists:

* List item
* Another item
* A further item

- List item
- Another item
- A further item

+ This is
+ also
+ supported

Nested lists:

* Fruit
  * Apple
  * Orange
  * Banana
* Dairy
  * Milk
  * Cheese

Further reading:

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